Friday 7 July 2017

Birthdays, Babies and Billies

As I move into the 'OMGEEEE I only have two months left to plan Billy's Birthday Party' time of the year, the fisherman and I have decided to give it a go and try to have another baby. I say try because I'm riddled with doubt around how successful we'll be.

Fingers crossed, we are however arrogant in our fertility status enough to try and plan a girl... so far that involves frantically fertilizing for four days a few days before (suspected) ovulation. Apparently  they boy sperm are super fast - but they don't have much staying power. The girls however take their time and tend to hang around waiting for an egg for a few days. Really does sound as if the genders start as they mean to continue.

In other news, the Fisherman and I recently took our first international trip - it definitely wont be the last, and I have stopped smoking. finally.

Billy the kid will be starting school next year - his spot has been secured, and we are now a nanny free household (one day I'll blog about it - but right now - it's too soon). Until kiddo number two comes along that is.

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